TTTC025 – Featured Designer Rosanne Mulhern

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. As I sit and write the post for this week I can’t help but to  take a moment and reflect on all the things that I’m thankful for. I’m truly grateful and  appreciative that you sit down weekly and design a card to play along with us. I hope this blog post finds you enjoying the Thanksgiving Holiday.  For this weeks challenge, our board was created by Rosanne Mulhern of  Heartfelt Stamping .


We would love for you to take some inspiration from the challenge board above, using three elements in a row of your choice. Whatever row inspires you is what we challenge you to create! Don’t forget to link back to us, and to use our hashtags #tictactoechallenge and #tttc025.

Now let’s check out the amazing inspiration Design Team X  has created for you this week! Click on their names to go to their individual project posting.

Rosanne chose the right row down: Stripes, Thank-you, Twine

Teresa chose the top row across: Masculine, Gray/Black, Stripes

Felicita chose left row down: Masculine, CAS, Blue

Peggy chose the right row down: Stripes, Thank-you, Twine

Amy chose the middle row across: CAS, Washi Tape, Thank-you

Now that you’ve seen some inspiration from the DT we hope you’ll play along with us !!! You have until Tuesday at noon CST to submit your entries. We can’t wait to see what you create. Have fun!


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